In the premiere episode of “The Robocall,” journey with Art and Ashton as they share their childhood dreams and the path that led them to Los Angeles. Discover the origins of Trilogy Media and witness the pivotal moment that changed everything: their first viral video exposing a scammer. This episode sets the stage for the thrilling and emotional journey ahead, marking the beginning of their mission against scam call centers.
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Predator Caught by the Grinch [EXTEND...
This could be our most unsettling confrontation yet. Eric walked into our sting house thinking he was meeting a 14-year-old girl for sex. With jaw-dropping twists and turns, Eric’s chilling behavior will leave you speechless as his true nature is exposed in real time. This extended, uncensored ep...
JANUARY 18: New Trilogy vs Predator
In the most disturbing episode we’ve ever faced, we tracked a predator whose audacity and intentions shook us to the core.
Scamming from the Toilet | Scamanigans
Nonsense scammers meet boisterous shenanigans from the Trilogy Media live stream vault.