A gripping ten-episode true crime documentary series that charts the unexpected rise of Trilogy Media from a relatively unknown production company to internet stardom. At the heart of this series is a single, serendipitous robocall that propels the team into the murky world of global scam operations. Through a blend of personal journey, investigative journalism, and daring confrontations, the series offers an unprecedented look into the scamming underworld, culminating in a daring expedition to India to face the scam masterminds.
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Scammed: The Fortress
Confronting a scammer at his luxury apartment.
Scammers Helps Us With Breakup | Scam...
Nonsense scammers meet boisterous shenanigans from the Trilogy Media live stream vault.
Live Twitch Q&A - Modder Paul Scambaits
Pre-recorded live stream Q&A after the Walmart confrontation video premieres. Feat. Modder Paul Scambaits, Chappy Grey & Ashton from Trilogy Media